
GeelongPort hosts Luke Donnellan, Minister for Ports

GeelongPort CEO Brett Winter, the Hon. Luke Donnellan, Minister for
GeelongPort CEO Brett Winter, the Hon. Luke Donnellan, Minister for
Ports, Roads and Road Safety, and VRCA CEO Michael Harvey

GeelongPort CEO, Brett Winter, recently hosted the Hon. Luke Donnellan, Minister for Ports, Roads and Road Safety to discuss GeelongPort’s new strategic direction, growth initiatives, and the port’s ongoing contribution to the Geelong and Victorian economies.

The Port handles a quarter of Victoria’s exports, contributing almost $450 million to the state’s economy.

By 2035, the Port of Geelong is predicted to handle more than 18 million tonnes of imports and exports, generating 3,100 jobs and strengthening its position as a leading employer in the local region.