We are so incredibly proud of our rich history here at GeelongPort. The hundreds of men and women that came before us – creating a Port we can all be proud of.
Today we reflected on that history with representatives from State and Federal Government and leaders in the Geelong business community, launching our much-anticipated book, ‘Custodians of the Bay: A brief history of GeelongPort’.
The launch celebrated the story of the Port and its employees, and the contribution it has made to our community for more than 150 years. The event provided guests with the chance to look at the exciting opportunities ahead and how the Port will continue to deliver for Geelong in the future.
Without our Port, Geelong would not be the great city it is today. The Port provides an economic impact of $489 million to Victoria’s economy and handles over a quarter of our overseas exports.
Throughout its history, the Port has been a continuing source or employment and prosperity for the people and city of Geelong. The launch touched on the predicted growth of our operations and the flow on effect it will have in the future generation of the city’s jobs and wealth.